It suddenly became cold in the morning from yesterday, so I have to wear winter clothes and go for a walk. On the way …

It was raining yesterday and snow was piled up on Mt. Fuji and it looked so beautiful this morning. After all, it suits Mt. Fuji to be covered with snow so much.

This is Konatsu this morning. She is spending her time calmly.

時には玄関の前でママの帰りをじっと待つ忠犬であったりもするのです(笑) この時はママが戻ってくるまで20分くらいでしたが、この場所を動かず待ち続けていました。
Sometimes she is a faithful dog waiting for my wife to return in front of the front door. At this time, it took about 20 minutes for my wife to come back, but she kept waiting without moving this place.
Well, it ’s been a while since I ’ve been talking about high school baseball.

In Japan, a competition is held every year in which high schools from all over the country participate and compete for the best in Japan. My alma mater ⑥ came in 3rd place in the prefectural tournament this time and got the right to participate in the Tokai regional tournament. They will be able to compete in the national tournament next spring if they are in second place in this tournament. So, at the end of the month, I will go to support!