My family’s temple is in Fujieda, and my wife’s family temple is in Kikukawa, so It’s a little forced march, but we went to both temples.

First of all, Chorakuji Temple in Fujieda.

Konatsu is waiting right next to us while we are cleaning the grave.

There two poster dogs in the temple here, Monju in the foreground and Ashuku in the back. Both are names related to Buddhism, and Monju seems to symbolize the wisdom of the Buddha, and Ashuku says, “When a lot of people live, it gets frustrating, but don’t get angry, don’t get angry.”

Bunshu is a mongrel dog of miniature duck and chihuahua, but the dachshund seems to be more intense. He’s cute!

One of the pleasures of coming to Fujieda is to go to the soba restaurant “Kimura” near here.

The type of buckwheat flour changes every time I come, and it’s fun to taste it.

After this, head to Kikukawa.

It is Ankoji Temple in Kikugawa.

From here up the stairs, the grave is on the top of the mountain. It’s still good now, but it’s hard to get to the top of the mountain when we get old.

The grave of my wife’s family is at the highest point. But somehow we finished visiting the grave.

帰り際にこんなのを見つけました。 怒らない、怒らない、、、(笑)
I found this at the exit of the temple. Budda says, “Forgive and forget. Don’t get angry, don’t get angry.”