
鎌倉と言えば紫陽花、と言われるのは何故だろう?と調べてみたら「鎌倉は三方を山で囲われており、それももろてく崩れやすい土壌のために、その対応策としてしっかり地面に根を張って土砂の流出を防ぎ、その上巨木にならない植栽としてあじさいが選ばれた」と書かれているのを多く見かけるが本当だろうか? 確かにあちこちに紫陽花で有名なお寺があったりするけど土砂崩れを防ぐほどじゃないし、イマイチ説得力に欠ける感じです。。。

The hydrangeas in my garden have begun to change color.
Why is it said that Kamakura is famous for hydrangea? I looked it up and found that “Kamakura is surrounded on three sides by mountains, and because of the fragile soil, hydrangeas were chosen as a countermeasure to prevent soil erosion by keeping their roots firmly planted in the ground, and also to prevent them from becoming large trees”.


We have hydrangeas in our garden and they are beginning to bloom. I had never been interested in hydrangeas in our garden before, but when I took pictures of them, it seemed that there were many different types.


Except for the second from the top, maybe it’s just the color difference, but…


Here are a few more pictures from our walk today.


We are walking towards the Hiromachi-forest.


Konatsu seems to walk slower than in the past, which may be natural considering her age of 12 years old.


Entrance to the forest.


Today we just walked around the entrance area and that was it.


I have always said that Konatsu’s goal is to be 20 years old, but lately I have been feeling a little less confident about that. People often tell me that she still looks young, but it is clear that her movements are becoming slower and slower.