

This morning, I took Konatsu to the beach at Shichirigahama.


Sea kayakers, perhaps? I usually don’t see many of them, but today this one has more presence than the surfer.


So many people watching them, too.


Konatsu doesn’t like crowds, so we walked around looking for a place with fewer people. When the temperature rises more and the sand gets hotter, the dogs won’t be able to walk there, but today is still fine.


After walking for about 30 minutes, more and more people started to arrive, so we decided to leave early, and…


On the way home, I bought some raw whitebait and boiled whitebait, and today’s lunch is a bowl of whitebait.


Prepare various condiments.


If I eat so much at lunch, I’ll have to moderate at night, lol.



I made “Kimi to Boku 2022” (meaning you and me) by collecting photos of friends who have become good friends with Konatsu over the past year or two. I feel that the members have changed a lot compared to the “Kimi to Boku” I made in the past. Also, there are some dogs who are good friends of her but did not appear here due to lack of photos, sorry!
BGM:”kimi to boku” Song by Suzuki Ranran ,1998


Luna is the only one who is older than Konatsu. In the previous “Kimi to Boku” episode, Konatsu was often joking around with her older brothers and sisters, but I can feel the passage of time.


Konatsu’s gestures like this are the same as when she was a puppy.



Last Saturday and Sunday, I went to support my alma mater, Shizuoka High School, as they competed in the Tokai Tournament. On the way back, I stopped by “Hamamatsu Flower Park,” and the roses were in full bloom this time of year, making a big impact.


I am not familiar with gardening, but this place is produced by a garden designer named Keiko Yoshitani. She seems to be famous, but I don’t know her.


This girl was here for a family shoot to celebrate her 7th birthday, and her dress fits perfectly here, awesome!


It was a rose garden with probably more than 100 varieties of roses.


The crucial match turned out to be a disappointment, as you can see.



My wife had a routine internal medicine checkup, so I went with her to Kitakamakura, and while we waited, Konatsu and I took a walk around Kitakamakura.


Leave my car in the parking lot in front of the station and walk across the railroad crossing to Myogetsuin.


I had never walked this road before, so I had never seen this sign before.


The road gets narrower and narrower, and…


Tea stores catering to tourists are scattered here and there.


We arrived at the temple. This temple is also called “Ajisai-dera” (hydrangea temple), and if you search the Internet, you will find many pictures of hydrangeas blooming in the precincts of the temple.


However, today, the buds are still swelling and it looks like it will be a little while before the flowers bloom. With this feeling, it will probably bloom around the beginning of the rainy season.


We got to the entrance, but we are not allowed to bring our dogs, so Konatsu and I are done here.


the way back


There was also the Kitakamakura Old Folk Houses Museum, which I had never heard of before.


In the meantime, we arrived at Engakuji Temple.


After just over 30 minutes of walking, I looked at my pedometer and saw that I had taken 2,500 steps.



Konatsu is peering out the front door.


My wife is in the garden and Konatsu seems to want to go to the garden.


My wife is getting rid of liverwort in our yard.


The one in the middle is liverwort. If left unchecked, these will grow in large numbers and need to be removed because they will look bad and will make it easier for slugs and other insects to proliferate.


This one is hair moss.


Hair moss makes the garden look beautiful, so there is no problem with its proliferation. In fact, they are welcome.


I sometimes help with the weeding, but it’s hard on my legs and back when I squat for long periods of time. I have to do it in moderation. However, it is thanks to my wife that the garden is kept in this condition.


Konatsu must feel good here because she can roam around as she likes without a leash. She circled the yard many times.

<番外編> ウクライナから犬の話

小型犬ニコルは避難列車「Ukrzaliznytsia」の乗客のストレスに対処するのを助けます。4年前、ドニプロガイドTatiana min ʹkovaの駅で見つかった犬。今、彼女は避難した人たちがストレスに対処するのを手伝っているそうです。

This is a dog story from Ukraine.
Small dog Nicole helps passengers of the evacuation train “Ukrzaliznytsia” cope with tress.
The dog was found four years ago at the station of Dnipro guide Tatiana min ʹkova. Now she is helping evacuees cope with stress.    From UAnimals.


The following dog was rescued by a volunteer from being left behind in a dumpster one day. This boy may be able to find a new family with the support of UAnimals. I have written before about “people who cannot evacuate because of their pets,” and there are dogs in these pitiful circumstances.



Such a state of war continues, but this happened yesterday in Japan.

出典:Yahoo Japan News


It was a sumo match between a Ukrainian wrestler “Shishi” (left) and a Russian wrestler “Roga” (right). The audience applauded loudly. What was the result? If you are interested, please check it out. (lol)



A certain person in Osaka sent me a lot of beef. I was surprised when I opened it…


I decided to have it right away, but there are two types: one for shabu-shabu and the other for sukiyaki. Which should I choose?


So we decided to start with shabu-shabu.

出来上がりを待つ間、お酒を飲んで待ってましょう! これもお肉と一緒に送られてきたお酒なのです。「超特選」って飲んだことがない。

While we wait for it to be ready, let’s have a drink and wait! This is also the sake that was sent with the meat. It says “Super Special,” but I have never had such sake.


It tastes good, is easy to drink, and I think I can drink as many glasses as I want.(lol)


Konatsu watches the preparations with rapt attention…

アタシのもある? という顔で私に訴えかけています。

Konatsu is appealing to me with a face that says, “Do you have one of my own?


I can’t give this to Konatsu, but…


Konatsu is getting sashimi as usual.


This smile was made just by being served sashimi. How cute…


Right away, “Give me more!” and the hand reaches out.



A neighbor friend gave me deer jerky as a souvenir from Karuizawa. This is for Konatsu.


Venison is said to be high in protein and low in fat, which is awesome compared to other meats. I looked up the source and here it is.

From left to right: energy, protein, fat, iron, vitamin B1/B2/B6/B12


It looks no different than regular jerky, though.


“I don’t care about that, just give it to me!”


Konatsu seems to eat without limit, so this is the end of it.


As soon as Konatsu stopped getting them, she made this face (lol).



The other day I wrote about Konatsu’s epileptic seizure, and I would like to let you know how she has been doing since then. On that day, my wife and I tried not to push her too hard and kept an eye on her. Konatsu started eating normally that night, and from the next day, she started taking short but cheerful walks. Konatsu is now an old dog, so I will let her spend her time at her own pace without overworking her. Thank you very much for your concern.


Today I am in Gunma Prefecture for work. On the way there, I stopped by Mentai Park, a recently opened food theme park. Mentai is cod ovum slowly marinated in chili pepper sauce. It is usually served hot on rice. Furthermore, Mentai pasta is very popular these days. There are even snacks which are made of spicy cod roe.



For some reason, the sight of menatai makes me hungry.



In our town, the generation of dogs is changing, and Konatsu is one of the eldest. I think I’ve seen more small dogs recently, but today I was able to meet some puppies of large dogs.


Ange, a Bernese mountain dog girl


You’re full of energy.


Hope you get along with Konatsu!


On the left is Maria, a shepherd girl, who is also only about one year old.


The owners were like, “They all have the same fur color!” and we seemed to be able to share a sense of togetherness somehow (lol).


Then HANA appeared.


Konatsu and HANA have always been good friends.


It was a moment in the evening.


I wonder if it will be sunny tomorrow…




This morning’s incident
During our walk this morning, Konatsu vomited yellow gastric juice. I had seen this happen several times before, and I thought it might be because she was too hungry. and didn’t pay much attention to it.
This morning, however, Konatsu began to wobble on her feet, and as if she had lost her footing, she collapsed from the hips and fell to the side. I was surprised because I had never seen such a symptom before. I hurriedly called Konatsu’s veterinary clinic and was able to get her seen before the clinic opened.

The doctor examined Konatsu and found that her heartbeat was normal and that there was nothing else wrong with her. The doctor’s diagnosis was that Konatsu was probably suffering from senile epileptic seizures. The doctor’s diagnosis was that it was probably senile epilepsy, a symptomatic form of epilepsy caused by damage to part of the brain due to the decrease in the number of brain cells caused by aging. So Konatsu has reached such an age. The doctor gave her a subcutaneous steroid injection and we returned home.


After returning home, Konatsu was anxious for a while, perhaps because she felt something was wrong with herself, and she had this expression on her face


When I went to the hospital again in the afternoon to check Konatsu again, she was in such good health. Now I no longer have to worry about things like I did this morning. Since Konatsu is now a senior dog at over 12 years of age, it made me think that I needed to take better care of her health than ever before.



As expected, Golden Week Holidays As expected, Kamakura and Enoshima are crowded during the Golden Week holiday season. One of the aim for tourists is fresh shirasu (whitebait), but the catch has been slow recently. Today, I called fisherman’s store Hamano and asked, “Do you have any fresh baby sardines?” They replied, “We have some! So I immediately made a reservation.


Hamano Store is located at the mouth of the Sakai River, which flows right in front of Enoshima.


A famous fisherman’s store for those in the know

生シラスだけでなく、獲れたてイワシもあったので2袋ゲット! 安くて新鮮!

Got two bags of freshly caught sardines as well as fresh whitebait! Cheap and fresh!

夕飯の食卓にド~ンと登場! ビール&ワインには最高です。

Plenty on the dinner table! Great with beer & wine.


Konatsu, who loves sashimi, eats about one human portion in one sitting.


Furthermore, the remaining sardine bones are baked in the oven at 65°C for 7.5 hours. Then…


Here’s another one of Konatsu’s favorite “bone crackers!”


That’s mine, isn’t it? Konatsu stares at them.


Hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In no time at all, there are only a few left. Let’s eat the rest little by little with care!



Yesterday’s heavy rainfall left lots of puddles in the park in Shichiri, and…


Then there were three or four ducks there, which I don’t usually see, coming from somewhere else.


Konatsu is very interested in the ducks and is appealing to me “I want to go near them!”


Konatsu followed them for a while.


They took off. Konatsu had no choice but to go to the larger square and saw Anne.


There was a larger pool of water over here, and Konatsu chased the ducks again because there were ducks here, too.


It wasn’t easy to get close…


Konatsu can only get so close, and she can’t go any further. We couldn’t become friends, could we?



Meotoike Pond Park, located halfway up Mt. Kamakura, is one of Konatsu’s favorite places because it is always a quiet park with few people.


Then let’s walk!


It feels more like a walk in the mountains than a park.


From here, walk toward the pond.


If Konatsu could speak, she would say, “Feels good “


And when you get to the very end of the park, there is this warning sign. It’s time to be careful of snakes.


Here is one more article from Ukraine today.

ソーニャは6歳で、オデッサ地方出身です。 戦争が始まって以来、飼い主は彼女をアパートに一人残した。 筆者の知人はソーニャに食べ物を与えたが、彼女は家族が恋しくなり、大声で吠えるようになった。 すると近所の人が警察を呼び、ソーニャはアパートから玄関に追い出された。 今彼女は路上に住んでいる。 ソニアの性格は簡単ではない、家族に裏切られた、だから彼女は触れられない、人を信用せず、路上生活に順応している。このように、中には一緒に避難できないケースもあるようですが、ロシアの侵略が無ければこんな事は起きなかった。

Day 64 of the War: “The Story of Abandoned Sonya”
Sonya is 6 years old and from the Odessa region. Since the war began, her owners left her alone in their apartment. An acquaintance of the author gave Sonya some food, but she missed her family and began to bark loudly. Then a neighbor called the police and Sonya was kicked out of the apartment to the front door. Now she lives on the street. Sonya’s character is not easy, her family betrayed her, so she is untouchable, does not trust people, and is adapting to life on the street. In some of these cases, they are not able to evacuate together, but this would not have happened without the Russian invasion.



Konatsu still loves her stuffed animals even though she is 12 years old.


She couldn’t get enough of just one…


This and…




Eventually, “Play with me!” and bring it to me. And if I play with her for a while…


She looks satisfied.


And maybe it’s her age, but she falls asleep quickly.

<番外編> NHKプラスより


NHK Plus distributed the following page.
2019, “World Interaction Street Walk” walking through Khiu (Kiev) before the war’s destruction.

Click here

※ 配信期限は4月28日03:49までとなっています。

It was such a peaceful and beautiful city. The act of aggression such as destroying it is the same as the Islamic State’s destruction of ancient ruins. It is unforgivable.
※ The deadline for distribution is April 28, 03:49.



We went to Hakone, thinking that the sightseeing spots would be free on a weekday as the Golden Week holidays were approaching. This time, we went with Anne and her family, but we were meeting locally, so we had lunch in Hiratsuka on the way there.


Recently popular “Cafeteria at Hiratsuka Fishing Port”


I thought it would be empty on a Monday, but I wrote down my name and waited my turn.

美味しそうなメニューが沢山あったけど、海鮮丼を注文。これで¥1,480、写ってないけど味噌汁、お新香も付いている。  そしてここから箱根まではほぼ1時間。

There were many delicious-looking dishes on the menu, and we ordered a bowl of kaisen-don (rice topped with seafood). It was ¥1,480 and included miso soup and oshinko (pickles), which are not shown in the picture.  And it takes almost an hour to get to Hakone from here.


As usual, we stayed in a pet room at Tokyu Harvest Club Hakone Koshien. The purpose of coming here this time was to eat delicious Chinese food at “Taigen,” and with four people, we could order many kinds of food, which is fun. While we were taking a rest in the room, Taigen’s microbus came to pick us up.


Unfortunately, it was raining that day, but the restaurant was almost full. We quickly placed our orders one after another.


After toasting with beer, dishes were brought out one after another. The first dish was cold greens with sesame tofu and tomatoes.


You can’t miss the unbai meat (un pai lu) when you come here. It’s as fun to look at as it is to taste!


Vinegared pork(stir-fried sour pork and vegetables), black vinegar taste and aroma is very good.


Conversation is lively and the meal progresses. But this is just the beginning.


After the beer, the Shaoxing rice wine goes on and on…


Bean-curd soup seasoned with red bean paste. It is not too spicy and has a rich flavor that is hard to find in other restaurants.


The well-known spring rolls, which are deep-fried meat and vegetables in a wrap.


stir-fried liver and garlic chives. This is the sixth dish, but it is not over yet. 


This is light noodles, just noodles with no garnish, just a small plate of aromatic greens. One portion was divided among four people.


steamed dumpling (Chinese-style)


Fried rice to finish. The rice was wonderfully crispy and wonderfully tasty fried rice.


From here on, it’s dessert, and this is a white bean dumpling. Lastly, I had apricot bean curd, but I forgot to take a picture of it. We had 11 dishes in total, but as you can see from the pictures, all of them were shared by 4 people, so we were full, but not so much that we ate too much.


The wives are all smiles of satisfaction.


The next morning, the rain finally stopped, and I took a walk with Konatsu in the foggy weather.


My wife prepared a light breakfast of bread and salad, so the four of us and our two dogs took our time to relax and enjoy the afterglow of last night. Below you can see Konatsu and Anne enjoying themselves.


I would like to travel here and there as much as possible while Konatsu is healthy.



A friend of my wife’s stayed at our house for three days and left today. Konatsu loves it when someone comes to visit and the house is lively, so it was a fun three days for Konatsu.


Konatsu sometimes goes downstairs to check on the guests, and…

早く2階に上がって来ないかなぁ。。。 とオスワリをして待ってみたり

Konatsu waits for her to come upstairs soon…. and then Konatsu tries to wait for her to come upstairs.

もう待ちくたびれちゃった、、、 という仕草をして見せたりしている

The “I’m tired of waiting…” gesture.


When it’s time for dinner or tea time, Konatsu cuddles up next to her and looks at her with a “I wonder if I can get something?” look on her face.


When cakes are lined up on the table, she peeks at them as if she were devouring them. It’s great that she doesn’t jump at the cakes.


And this is what happens in the end. lol



Ukraine is on day 47. We can know about the devastation in the cities and the people there as it is reported on the news, but I am observing the situation from the perspective of someone who lives with his pets.

以下、UAnimals の記事より

ロシア軍による砲撃や虐殺から逃れることができたウクライナの人達がザポロジエに到着した。 人生で最も辛い時でも、これらの人々の多くは動物を捨てず、一緒に避難しました。

The following is from the UAnimals article.
Ukrainians who managed to escape shelling and massacres by Russian troops have arrived in Zaporozhye. Even in the most difficult times of their lives, many of these people did not abandon their animals and took refuge with them.


Of course I understand how they feel and I hope all of these people are safe.



Today, my wife and I walked with Konatsu as her retinue.


It was just before sunset when we returned, as the shadows were getting longer.


The weather is about to change from spring to early summer, and as I turn around in the garden, I see that many of the flowers my wife is growing are in bloom. I hardly know the names of the flowers, so I’ll just put up pictures.


I think it would be beautiful if they bloomed all at once like this, but I can’t comment appropriately.


I don’t know what’s so fun, Konatsu suddenly smiled.


We are having such a peaceful evening, but it has been 45 days since Ukraine was invaded by Russia. It’s been a while since I’ve seen this image from the UAnimals site, but it’s a scene that should not be happening on the planet we live on.