It’s already March. That also means that Konatsu’s birthday is just around the corner.

Konatsu has become the oldest dog in Shichirigahama. However, she is still energetic.

Good morning greetings with Bruno.

しっかりアップに耐えられるイイお顔だねえ。 ブルーノ君はいつも私を見つけると近寄ってきてくれるんだけど、どうもそれはオヤツ狙いであるようで今朝も手が伸びてきた!
Even a close-up photo, Bruno has a nice face. He always approaches me when he finds me, but it seems that he is aiming for food, and he has reached out again this morning!

Because today is Monday, there aren’t many dogs who came for a walk, so everyone went home early. Konatsu also walks for about 20 minutes and the walk is over.

On the way home, it’s the usual scenery I’m used to, and …

Maybe the clouds are low today, and Mt. Fuji looked like this.