Suddenly, I found a vacancy in Tokyu Harvest Club Nasu two days ago, so I decided to go.

朝、道路情報を見たら圏央道の八王子付近で事故があり相模原まで渋滞してたので、首都高で都内を走って東北道に向かい、ここは東北道の上河内SA。店内はいろんな宇都宮餃子で溢れている! ここから那須までは1時間ちょっと。
When I looked at the road information in the morning, there was an accident near Hachioji on the Ken-O Expressway and there was a traffic jam to Sagamihara, so I headed for the Tohoku Expressway via the Metropolitan Expressway, and this is Kamikawachi SA on the Tohoku Expressway. The store is full of various Utsunomiya dumplings! It takes a little over an hour from here to Nasu.

From my home, Nasu is a little farther than Karuizawa, and it takes about three and a half hours one way.

This time I stayed here for 2 nights. For dinner on this day, I went to “Gioia Mia”, which is very close to Harvest.

Dogs can also enter this restaurant.

I came to this restaurant two years ago, and I remember it was delicious, and this time it was also satisfying. That’s all for the first day.