It was the third day in Nasu, and it was a cold morning.

Last walk before check-out

この日は超有名店のPenny Laneでお土産を買って、道の駅にも寄って、後は家に帰るだけ。
On this day, I bought a souvenir at the super famous store “Penny Lane”, stopped at the roadside station, and then went home.

If you’re a Beatles fan, this is a very exciting shop. Beatles songs are played all day long in the store and on the terrace, so you won’t get bored no matter how many hours you stay.

店内にはワンコと一緒に食事が出来る個室もあります。 ※要予約
There is also a private room in the store where you can eat with your dog.

After three fun days, we came home.

When will we go next?