The beginning of the week started again on a business trip to Gunma. The Covid-19 infection is becoming the fourth wave, but I am relieved that Kanra Town, Gunma Prefecture, where I go, is an area where there are almost no infected people.

On the way, there is still snow on Mt. Fuji.

ここは圏央道の狭山PA、車の充電しながらコーヒーブレイク。この日は2度の事故渋滞があったため甘楽まで3時間半もかかってしまい、着いたのは診療開始の10分前! こうして二日間の仕事を済ませて昨日家に戻ってきました。
This is Sayama PA on the Ken-O Expressway, a coffee break while charging the car. It took three and a half hours to get to Kanra because there were two accidents on that day, and I arrived 10 minutes before the start of work! After two days of work, I came back home yesterday.

And this morning. Head to Shichirigahama as usual …

ここは自称・七里ヶ浜アビーロード。 これに写真を重ねると、、、
This is the self-proclaimed Shichirigahama Abbey Road, and put a photo on this, …

It will be like this.

When I arrived at the purification center, I met Ume for the first time in a year!

Ume is 9 years old. The owner lamented that she had turned a little white on her face and body, but she was still appetizing, and when I offered her a snack she was “give me more.”
