It was two days that I could enjoy driving on a snowy road for the first time in a long time. Yesterday, the Metropolitan Expressway was closed for most sections, but I was able to go to work because I could only pass the route from Yokohama Shindo to Metropolitan Expressway K1 Yokohane Line.

家の前の坂道は凍結していたけれど、タイヤはSUV専用のBLIZZAK DM-V3。凍結するとスタッドレスでも危ないのは承知しているが特に問題は無かった。
The slope in front of my house was frozen, but my tires are BLIZZAK DM-V3 for SUVs. I know that studless tires are dangerous if frozen, but there was no particular problem.

And today, the snow on the road was almost gone, but when I arrived at Shitirigahama park, …

There was still so much snow in some places.

Konatsu has been in high tension since it snowed.