Around 12 o’clock in the middle of the night when I was already asleep, a loud warning sound was heard from my smartphone, and when I looked at the screen thinking it was an earthquake warning, it was a tsunami warning. It says about 50 cm, so I went to bed again. However, after that, the alarm sounds three or four times from both the smartphone and the tablet, so it is extremely disturbing to sleep. I turned off the power and finally slept undisturbed until morning. Looking at the news in the morning, it seems that a submarine volcano exploded in Tonga and a tsunami occurred, and many fishing boats sank in Japan as well. I was convinced that it was a bigger deal than I expected.

I had to go to Shitirigaham in the morning, so I went through the mountain course just in case, but when I saw the sea on the way, no surfer was in the sea today.

When I returned home and watched the news footage, it was said that a fairly large tsunami was flooding in Tonga and the damage was unknown. I have no choice but to pray that the inhabitants will not be damaged.

ご存知の方も多いかもしれませんが Floodmaps というサイトがあって、そこを見ると自分の家が何メートルの津波で水没するのかを見ることができます。用心のために見ておくのも良いと思います。
As many of you may know, there is a site called Floodmaps, where you can see how many meters of a tsunami will submerge your home. I think it’s a good idea to take a look as a precaution.