Health checkup for Konatsu.
It is time for filaria testing and rabies vaccinations. Konatsu is a senior dog, so we have been doing detailed blood tests at the same time for several years, and we went to the veterinary clinic today.

As usual, Konatsu, who hates clinic, starts shivering as he enters the waiting room. But for some reason, she also goes to check on the examination room.

Since only Konatsu visited the clinic today, the doctor spent plenty of time examining her.

The doctor and I talked about Konatsu’s blog, so I was allowed to take these pictures. Once Konatsu is on the examination table, she becomes quiet and does as she is told, no matter what is done to her.

Negative for filaria, no problem!

その他の血液検査の結果は、、、昨年まではPCV・血液の濃度が濃かったが今年は正常値に戻った。食事管理が上手くいってるのでしょうとの事で良かった。 一方で、ALT・肝酵素の数値が高く、慢性肝炎かもしれない。これは1ヶ月後に再検査になった。
The other blood test results were: PCV/blood concentration was high until last year, but returned to normal this year. I am glad to hear that the diet control is going well. On the other hand, ALT/liver enzymes were high and may be chronic hepatitis. This will be rechecked in a month.
And one more thing.

This is a prophylactic eye drop for cataracts. Konatsu was examined by a testing machine.
The lens of the eye is a protein, but due to oxidation (=aging), its components are lost and it becomes cloudy. In the process, the lens becomes distorted at first, and when this happens, light is diffusely reflected and the lens appears white. Konatsu is now in this state, and although the lens is not yet cloudy, it was decided to use eye drops in the future as a preventive measure. Overall, there are no major problems and she still seems to be in good health.