小型犬ニコルは避難列車「Ukrzaliznytsia」の乗客のストレスに対処するのを助けます。4年前、ドニプロガイドTatiana min ʹkovaの駅で見つかった犬。今、彼女は避難した人たちがストレスに対処するのを手伝っているそうです。
This is a dog story from Ukraine.
Small dog Nicole helps passengers of the evacuation train “Ukrzaliznytsia” cope with tress.
The dog was found four years ago at the station of Dnipro guide Tatiana min ʹkova. Now she is helping evacuees cope with stress. From UAnimals.

The following dog was rescued by a volunteer from being left behind in a dumpster one day. This boy may be able to find a new family with the support of UAnimals. I have written before about “people who cannot evacuate because of their pets,” and there are dogs in these pitiful circumstances.

Such a state of war continues, but this happened yesterday in Japan.

It was a sumo match between a Ukrainian wrestler “Shishi” (left) and a Russian wrestler “Roga” (right). The audience applauded loudly. What was the result? If you are interested, please check it out. (lol)