Konatsu is peering out the front door.

My wife is in the garden and Konatsu seems to want to go to the garden.

My wife is getting rid of liverwort in our yard.

The one in the middle is liverwort. If left unchecked, these will grow in large numbers and need to be removed because they will look bad and will make it easier for slugs and other insects to proliferate.

This one is hair moss.

Hair moss makes the garden look beautiful, so there is no problem with its proliferation. In fact, they are welcome.

I sometimes help with the weeding, but it’s hard on my legs and back when I squat for long periods of time. I have to do it in moderation. However, it is thanks to my wife that the garden is kept in this condition.

Konatsu must feel good here because she can roam around as she likes without a leash. She circled the yard many times.