A large and strong typhoon No. 14 is approaching. The Shichirigahama beach I saw during my walk this morning was also very rough with high waves, and as expected, there were no surfers in sight.

It seems to be moving through the Japanese archipelago, but I just hope it doesn’t cause any damage.

Well, Konatsu has been spending the last few days without much change, and there is nothing much to talk about, so I’d like to show you the scene of yesterday’s meal.

I was able to buy fresh meat yesterday, so I’m preparing raw meat toppings.

I didn’t notice, but Konatsu was waiting behind me, ostentatiously.

You have a keen eye, don’t you! (lol)

As Konatsu approaches 13 years of age, I feel that her legs and back are gradually weakening, but she still has a good appetite, so I don’t think her health will deteriorate too rapidly.

I hope this kind of time lasts for a long time!