From tomorrow I will be on a business trip again, so I decided to enjoy beer and wine for dinner today with Konatsu.

Konatsu, who still doesn’t know what’s going on, looks like this.

Konatsu’s eyes move when he feels the sign of food (lol). Today, many of Konatsu’s favorite sashimi are lined up on the table. Tonight, many of Konatsu’s favorite sashimi will be lined up on the table.

Shirasu, which has been unfished since the ban was lifted in March, has become abundant since the end of June! Shirasu is a fry of sardines.

First of all, tuna

次はサーモン Next is salmon

鯛もいただきます! Sea bream

And the long-awaited raw shirasu.

もっと! と催促の顔。 このあと人間が食べる一人前くらい頂いちゃいました。
“Please give me more.” After this, Konatsu ate as much as she could.

I don’t think raw shirasu is familiar to foreigners, but please try it when you come to Japan. This is delicious!