Hakone Hisui, who couldn’t make a reservation easily, happened to have a room available, so I went with my wife and Konatsu for one night.

When I enter from the pet entrance, …

There are only 3 rooms in this area where you can stay with your pet.

The room looks like this.

When you come to Hakone, it’s a hot spring, isn’t it? The hot spring here is very comfortable!

夕食はルームサービスを頼み、こなつも一緒に食べました。この日はサッカーの日本vsフランスのTV中継があり、日本に有利に試合が進むにつれお酒も進み、、、(笑) 楽しい一夜でした!
For dinner, I asked for room service and ate Konatsu with us. There was a TV broadcast of soccer from Japan vs France on that day, and as the match progressed in favor of Japan, beer and wine tasted excellent tonight … (lol) It was a fun night!

Konatsu also in a good mood!