When I get closer to Konatsu, who was shampooed three days ago, I can still smell the good smell of shampoo. Furthermore, she has just had her tartar removed, so she has almost no bad breath.

Konatsu is having his tartar removal done without anesthesia. The veterinarian recommends it because it is risky for her to have general anesthesia due to her age. Konatsu doesn’t like hospitals, but once she is on the table, she is a very easy patient for the veterinarian to deal with.

きれいでしょ! 歯石が付きすぎると無麻酔での処置ができなくなるから、こなつは3ヶ月に1回のペースで動物病院に行ってます。
Aren’t those teeth beautiful! Konatsu goes to the veterinary clinic every three months because too much tartar makes it impossible to perform the procedure without anesthesia.

This is an antibiotic syrup. After tartar removal, the gums are slightly damaged, so this is given to prevent inflammation of the gums. But Konatsu doesn’t like it and won’t take it, so we have a lot of the ones we’ve had so far. What a problem…