Now in Japan, there is a “prefectural discount” to support the tourism industry, which has been slowed by COVID-19. This is a system in which the national and prefectural governments provide subsidies to allow users to travel at a discount. We took full advantage of it again this time and went to Atami Izusan – Shizunami Coast.

The first day is at Tokyu Harvest Club Atami Izusan.

今回の旅行ではここ伊豆山は経由地みたいなもので、メインイベントは2日目にこなつママと娘が行くFantasy on Ice 2022 というフィギュアスケートのショー。会場は静岡県のエコパアリーナ、3年前のラグビーW杯の日本vsアイルランドで大盛り上がりしたあの場所です。
The main event is the Fantasy on Ice 2022 figure skating show that my wife and daughter are going to on the second day of the trip. The venue is the Ecopa Arena in Shizuoka Prefecture, where the Japan vs. Ireland Rugby World Cup game was held three years ago.

While they went to see the show, I and Konatsu spent time at Tokyu Harvest Shizunami Beach. That was the second day.

We had lunch at this cafe before going to the show. I chose this place because I could bring Konatsu to the terrace…

食べてみたらこのグリルサンドがとても美味しい! これならリピーターになっても良いと思った。
I tried it and this grilled sandwich is soooo good! I thought this would be a good one to repeat.

After this, I dropped my wife and daughter off at the ECOPA Arena, and then myself and Natsu went back to the hotel to relax.

It feels like a beach resort.

Here is my morning walk the next day. There were many doggies on the beach, and…

A black dog looked interested in Konatsu, so I approached him.

This dog is Roku, a shelter dog. He is only about 2 years old and full of energy, saying “Let’s play! ”

In addition, …

She is also a shelter dog and is now 15 years old.

Now it’s time to check out.
There is only one room that allows dogs to stay with you, and dogs are not allowed to walk inside the hotel. Therefore, Konatsu is carried around in a cart.

Konatsu had never ridden in a cart before, so she seemed somewhat uncomfortable (lol).