September. Konatsu’s morning walk leaves the house after 5:30 a.m. as usual, but the area is darker than in summer.

Temperatures have dropped a lot and the mornings and evenings feel cooler, so it’s perfect for a walk.

Today is Saturday, but I guess Shonan Beach is no longer as crowded as it was on a midsummer morning.

Arrived at the park.

Yesterday’s rain created puddles of water here and there. I heard that there was a great thunderstorm in the Shonan area yesterday morning, and my wife e-mailed me at work and said, “Konatsu, who is afraid of the sound of thunder, ran around the house, and had an accident on the cushions, and got four cushions wet!” That’s what happened. When she was a puppy, she was fine with the sound of thunder and fireworks, but since she became an adult dog, she has become a terror.

We met Anne.

Then Howl appeared on the scene. When I asked his owner about yesterday’s thunderstorm, he told me that Howl was not good at it either. Anne’s owner told me that Anne was totally fine with it. It depends on the dog.

Konatsu usually doesn’t try to join a group of dogs on her own, but this morning everyone gathered around so I was able to take this picture. Even so, Konatsu was watching from afar and not actively trying to play with them.

Moana is playing in the water!

After this, we walked a lap around our usual course to finish the walk.

We said good-bye to Anne wiping her feet, and Konatsu went home.