February has arrived. My business closes at the end of January every year, so I have been too busy to update this blog, but Konatsu is doing well as usual.
If you look closely, you can see that Konatsu’s winter hair has grown long and shaggy. I made an appointment to have her shampooed and cut this weekend.
While walking Konatsu, I noticed a slight change in the neighborhood butcher shop.
つい先日までこの肉屋が売ってるのは宮崎牛だったのに、、、 ↑
Just a few days ago, this butcher shop was selling Miyazaki beef…
いつの間にか山形牛に変わっていた。しかも入り口の看板の店名が「西鎌倉精肉店」になっている。何があったんだろうね、、、? 安いことに変わりはないようだが。こなつ用の安い肉を少し買って帰ってきた。
But before I knew it, it had changed to Yamagata beef. Moreover, the name on the signboard at the entrance has changed to “Nishikamakura Butcher Shop”. I wonder what happened to it…? It seems that the price is still the same, though. I bought some cheap meat for Konatsu and returned home.
今週の後半は関東地方も雪予報になっている。最近は降ると言いつつ降らないというパターンだけど今週はどうなるだろう? 雪と言えば、こなつの動画を見ていたら5年前の雪遊びのを見つけたので貼り付けてみます。このときこなつは7歳、元気に走り回っているけど今はもう無理。
Snow is predicted for the Kanto region in the latter half of this week. It’s been a pattern lately of saying it’s going to snow but it doesn’t, but what will happen this week? Speaking of snow, I found a video of Konatsu playing in the snow five years ago. Konatsu was 7 years old at that time, running around energetically, but she can’t do it anymore.