Until yesterday mountains and lakes

Today, in front of the sea

This is Tokyu Harvest Club Atami Izusan.

部屋に温泉が付いているのでお湯を入れてみるとこんな色! いかにも温泉の色だ。
There is a hot spring in the room, so when I ran hot water, it looks like this! It’s the color of the hot spring.

There will be a live stream of the Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival on this day, so I brought my PC and HDMI cable and connected it to the TV in the room …

We enjoyed the concert in the room and then dinner. Today, hotel takeaway bento.

こなつは私が食べているのをずっと目で追っていたらしい。。。 そして翌朝
Konatsu seems to have been following me as I was eating.

And the next morning. Since the hotel is located on the slope of the mountain, the walking course of the dog is also such a slope.

Three days went by so fast.