部分的リフォーム その2


Following the gas stove the other day, it is a replacement work for the kitchen fan and the roll curtain.


Craftsmen went in and out from morning till evening, and it was a stressful day for Konatsu.

古くて音も大きい換気扇だったが、、、  It was an old and loud Kitchen Fan, but …
雰囲気も明るくなったかな  The sound is quiet and it feels bright because of the color
20年経過してこの状態だったが  It’s been 20 years and it’s been so dirty
こなつが好きなこの場所がキレイになった。  This place where Konatsu likes has become beautiful.


My house, which is over 20 years old, seems to have many places to be repaired in the future, and it hurts my head.