I wrote a while ago that my alma mater will participate in the Tokai baseball tournament, and I went to support it.

This is Okazaki City Baseball Stadium. It’s about 300km from Kamakura, but this time it was a fun trip while driving my car with two alumni.

We left Kamakura at 6:30 and arrived at the stadium around 11:00. The right side is me.

As a result, they were unable to demonstrate their abilities and were unfortunately defeated, and they were no longer able to participate in the national tournament next spring.

After the match, we went sightseeing in Okazaki Castle and celebrated one of our friends’ birthday, so the day in Okazaki was over.

The next day I broke up with my friends in Okazaki and I headed to Hakone. I met my daughter in Gora and checked in at Tokyu Harvest “Hakone Hisui”.

This is an inn with a very nice atmosphere. And this time the main event is Chinese food restaurant “Taigen”

Turn right on the way from Sengokuhara to Otome Pass and climb a steep slope to find “Taigen”. All the dishes here are excellent!

先ずはビールで乾杯! First of all, toast with beer!

“Unpairou” that I order every time I come here is the best!

Tofu with century egg

Stir-fried cuttlefish and green squeezed vegetables. With this much appetizer, go to the main noodles

上:光麺 下:タンタンメン どっちも凄くサッパリで〆には最適!
Both have a very refreshing taste and are perfect for the last dish!

Another specialty of Taigen is this owl. One bird died and now only this child. This is a recommended shop when you go to Hakone.

Finally, recently, such a sign has been displayed in a park in Kamakura City. This is wrong and problematic, judging from the Kanagawa Prefecture Ordinance and the Kamakura City Ordinance. I would like to take up it at a later date.