Ukraine is on day 47. We can know about the devastation in the cities and the people there as it is reported on the news, but I am observing the situation from the perspective of someone who lives with his pets.

以下、UAnimals の記事より
ロシア軍による砲撃や虐殺から逃れることができたウクライナの人達がザポロジエに到着した。 人生で最も辛い時でも、これらの人々の多くは動物を捨てず、一緒に避難しました。
The following is from the UAnimals article.
Ukrainians who managed to escape shelling and massacres by Russian troops have arrived in Zaporozhye. Even in the most difficult times of their lives, many of these people did not abandon their animals and took refuge with them.

Of course I understand how they feel and I hope all of these people are safe.