Meotoike Pond Park, located halfway up Mt. Kamakura, is one of Konatsu’s favorite places because it is always a quiet park with few people.

Then let’s walk!

It feels more like a walk in the mountains than a park.

From here, walk toward the pond.

If Konatsu could speak, she would say, “Feels good “

And when you get to the very end of the park, there is this warning sign. It’s time to be careful of snakes.
Here is one more article from Ukraine today.

戦争64日目「捨てられたソニアの物語 」
ソーニャは6歳で、オデッサ地方出身です。 戦争が始まって以来、飼い主は彼女をアパートに一人残した。 筆者の知人はソーニャに食べ物を与えたが、彼女は家族が恋しくなり、大声で吠えるようになった。 すると近所の人が警察を呼び、ソーニャはアパートから玄関に追い出された。 今彼女は路上に住んでいる。 ソニアの性格は簡単ではない、家族に裏切られた、だから彼女は触れられない、人を信用せず、路上生活に順応している。このように、中には一緒に避難できないケースもあるようですが、ロシアの侵略が無ければこんな事は起きなかった。
Day 64 of the War: “The Story of Abandoned Sonya”
Sonya is 6 years old and from the Odessa region. Since the war began, her owners left her alone in their apartment. An acquaintance of the author gave Sonya some food, but she missed her family and began to bark loudly. Then a neighbor called the police and Sonya was kicked out of the apartment to the front door. Now she lives on the street. Sonya’s character is not easy, her family betrayed her, so she is untouchable, does not trust people, and is adapting to life on the street. In some of these cases, they are not able to evacuate together, but this would not have happened without the Russian invasion.