

After arriving in Karuizawa, we decided to relax and stay without any particular plans. We went to Thaliassen for a walk with Konatsu.


This place is like a park around the lakeside of Lake Shiozawa, with museums and old buildings.


This is the old Asabuki Villa. It was built in 1931 and is said to be one of the finest villas in Karuizawa.


Well, I have no connection to it, but…


The Peinet Museum, with works by Raymond Peinet. I have some connection with Peinet’s works…

リトグラフで高価なものじゃないけど我が家にもある。タリアセンは散策するのには良い場所です。 この翌日は小諸市の飯綱山公園にあるドッグランに行ってみた。

It’s a lithograph, not an expensive one, but it’s in my house. Thaliassen is a nice place to stroll around. The day after this, we went to the dog park in Komoro City.


There is a parking lot in the middle of the mountain, and it is quite hard to climb up to the top from there.


The one below is a dog park for small dogs, and the one where I am is for large dogs.


Konatsu doesn’t run much these days, but she used to run a lot here.


We left the dog park early and went to the top of the park. The autumn leaves are beautiful here, too.


We returned to Regina and took some pictures. The inside of the hotel was already decorated for Christmas. Let’s go have dinner. Now, let’s go have dinner.


This is the menu for the first day in Regina.


The food here is always delicious! And I love that I can eat with my dog.

これはこなつ用の 秋鮭と野菜 ↑

This is for Konatsu. Autumn salmon and vegetables.

蒸し鶏の胸肉と野菜 ↑  こんなの毎日食べてたらまたダイエットやり直しだ(笑)

Steamed chicken breast and vegetables ↑ If I eat like this every day, I’ll have to start my diet all over again, lol.


Konatsu seems to know that the food here is delicious, and when we go to the restaurant, she walks fast with her tail wagging.