Our family’s Hatsumode (first shrine visit of the New Year) is to Suwa Shrine in Katase. This year we went on the 7th because it is crowded on the fiert three days of January.

Konatsu went with us, but she was not allowed to enter the shrine grounds, so…

we can only walk around here together.

Can you stay at the dog statue?

This is a small shrine, but it has a history of 1,300 years.

Let’s go through the hoop to purify our body and soul and purify our health. So we are following the instructions and repeating the left turn and right turn.

When I come to a shrine, I really want to draw an omikuji. (Omikuji is a fortune slip.)

There are seven levels of fortune telling, from great blessing to great curse, and I was the third from the top, middle blessing. Not so bad. We finished our Hatsumode without incident and returned home.

It was the day of the seven herbs porridge. By eating the porridge on 7th, we believe that we can get rid of bad luck, and the custom has been passed down from generation to generation.