Around the beginning of the New Year, when I was cleaning up the room on the first floor where my parents used to live, I found an Ofuda from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. It was probably more than 10 years old, so it was dirty.
※Ofuda is supposed to ward off bad luck

We could not just throw it away, so we decided to return it to Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine.

さて、ワンコはどこまで入って良いのか、、、 調べてみると奥の階段の前までは行っても良いらしい。だが、今日は平日だけどけっこう混んでいるのですぐそこに見える太鼓橋の手前までにして私とこなつママが交代で入ることにした。
I wondered how far dogs are allowed to go in the park, and found out that they are allowed to go as far as the stairs at the back of the park. Even so, it was a weekday today, but it was quite crowded, so we decided to take Konatsu as far as the arched bridge, and my wife and I would take turns going up to the end of the bridge.

While waiting for my wife, we stayed at the left side of the bridge where we could see Heike Pond. There were few people here, and Konatsu could wait without being scared.

My wife came back and it was my turn to go.

There is a place in the back to store old Ofuda (amulet)

It is well known that the figure eight in Hachimangu Shrine is in the shape of a dove…

There are many pigeons, the symbol of Hachimangu Shrine, in the precincts of the shrine.

Komainu (statue of dog, you will find them at the entrance of a shrine) and…

this is Konatsu

This completes what we need to do today.