

The sake brewery that I stopped by when I went to the Boso Peninsula.


There is something that I can expect from the appearance, and when I go inside, …


When I saw such an amount, I realized that it was something amazing, and when I looked around it, …


Since the sake here was dedicated to the wedding ceremony of Princess Sayako, the photographs at that time are displayed on the wall. Unlike the topic of the person who have been bustling in Japan these days, this makes me feel congratulations.


I bought a few bottles and came back. It was a pity that I couldn’t taste and choose these because I had to drive a car.

There was also a sign like this, and there were people ordering it in the store, so we decided to try it too.


The proviso says, “Alcohol is not included”, but it tasted very rich and delicious as if it was mixed with sake lees.


Konatsu was waiting in the car, and when we came back, she looked boring, so I gave her a little bit of the rest of the soft serve cone.