February 3rd is the day of Setsubun. It means the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

後始末が大変にならないように小袋で、鬼は~そと!、福は~うち! を済ませて、、、
and in Japan, there is a legend that demons come at the turn of the season. , so we throw beans to get rid of them. “Damon go outside, Happiness come inside! ” And so on.

After the bean-throwing, the next step is to make Ehomaki.

Ebomaki is a sushi roll like the one in the photo. On the night of Setsubun, people eat it in silence while thinking of their wishes in the direction of Eboshi. Eboshi is the direction that is considered to be the best for the year. The two of us will eat it first, then I’ll prepare one for Konatsu.

Sushi rice has sugar and vinegar in it, so for konatsu, roll the rice thinly around the omelet.

それ、アタシのですよね? と見つめている。
That’s mine, isn’t it? And she’s staring at it.

It is now ready for Konatsu.

これでこなつにも福が来るのだろうか? 必ず来る、と思いたい。
I wonder if this will bring good fortune to Konatsu? I would like to think that it will.