An hour’s drive from our home is the MUZA Kawasaki Symphony Hall.

I have been going to concerts much less often since Covid-19 disaster spread, but yesterday it’s been a long time since I’ve been here.

The highlight of the evening was Daishin Kashimoto’s solo performance of the Saint-Saens Violin Concerto No. 3.

This is yesterday’s program

This time we are in the cheapest seats on the back side of the stage. I’ve heard this kind of seating in other halls before, but the wind instruments sound louder and the balance is not so good.

このケルン・ゲルツェニヒ管弦楽団は初の来日公演だそうで、私はその名前も知らなかったのだけど、演奏が始まってすぐにこれは素晴らしいオーケストラだというのが分かった。Gerzenich Orchesters Köln
This was the Cologne-Gerzenich Orchestra’s first visit to Japan, and I had never even heard of them, but as soon as they started playing, I knew this was a great orchestra.
This is a Youtube of the performance with NHK Symphony Orchestra. 3rd Mov.

Konatsu stayed at home.