Today, we invited our friends to a home party at our house. It was the day of the World Cup soccer match between Japan and Costa Rica, so we planned to enjoy the party while watching the live TV broadcast.

When Konatsu saw us getting ready, she sensed that someone was coming tonight,

so she went down to the front door and waited. When they don’t arrive, she sometimes goes to the window on the stairs to see what is going on outside. I am impressed by Konatsu’s ability to sense things at times like this.

Soon everyone arrives and the party begins!

Oh, my wife’s cooking is really enthusiastic right from the appetizer!

Assorted Japanese pickles

Taro simmered with kabosu (a type of citrus fruit), the flavor of the taro is enhanced by the kabosu.

As the party progressed and we were feeling tipsy and comfortable, the game kicked off. I was watching the game thinking that there was no way they could lose…

Gratin of Shimonita leek and shiitake mushroom

The day before this, I went to Gunma on a business trip and bought some Shimonita leeks from the production area. It is an ingredient that feels like winter as it is just entering its season.

Sashimi I ordered from a local fishmonger. As soon as this appears on the table, Konatsu’s appeal begins!

それ、ワタシの分もあるよね!と鋭い視線(笑) こなつ用には別のお刺身を用意してある。
You have some for me, too, right? she looked at me sharply (lol). I have prepared other sashimi for Konatsu.

It is a moment of happiness for Konatsu!

3種類のコロッケ コンビーフ、鮭、コーン
Three kinds of Korokke, which is like a Japanese croquette.

試合後半26分、伊東が倒されPKかと思ったが僅かにエリアの外だった。このフリーキックも得点できず、この直後に失点してまさかの敗戦。。。 茫然としてこの後の料理の写真は全く撮っていなかった。後味の悪い試合結果となってしまった、、、
In the 26th minute of the second half of the match, Ito was knocked down and it looked like a penalty kick, but it was just outside the area. The free kick was not scored, Japan lost a goal right after this! I was so stunned that I did not take any pictures of the food after the game. The result of the game was not so good…