

Health checkup for Konatsu.
It is time for filaria testing and rabies vaccinations. Konatsu is a senior dog, so we have been doing detailed blood tests at the same time for several years, and we went to the veterinary clinic today.


As usual, Konatsu, who hates clinic, starts shivering as he enters the waiting room. But for some reason, she also goes to check on the examination room.


Since only Konatsu visited the clinic today, the doctor spent plenty of time examining her.


The doctor and I talked about Konatsu’s blog, so I was allowed to take these pictures. Once Konatsu is on the examination table, she becomes quiet and does as she is told, no matter what is done to her.


Negative for filaria, no problem!

その他の血液検査の結果は、、、昨年まではPCV・血液の濃度が濃かったが今年は正常値に戻った。食事管理が上手くいってるのでしょうとの事で良かった。 一方で、ALT・肝酵素の数値が高く、慢性肝炎かもしれない。これは1ヶ月後に再検査になった。

The other blood test results were: PCV/blood concentration was high until last year, but returned to normal this year. I am glad to hear that the diet control is going well. On the other hand, ALT/liver enzymes were high and may be chronic hepatitis. This will be rechecked in a month.


And one more thing.


This is a prophylactic eye drop for cataracts. Konatsu was examined by a testing machine.
The lens of the eye is a protein, but due to oxidation (=aging), its components are lost and it becomes cloudy. In the process, the lens becomes distorted at first, and when this happens, light is diffusely reflected and the lens appears white. Konatsu is now in this state, and although the lens is not yet cloudy, it was decided to use eye drops in the future as a preventive measure. Overall, there are no major problems and she still seems to be in good health.



It had been a long time since I went to a concert, and since Covid-19 expanded, many of the scheduled concerts were cancelled, so I didn’t get a chance to go. I don’t remember exactly, but it’s been probably about two years since I’ve been to a concert.


On the way to Suntory Hall, here around Toranomon. Konatsu is on boarding with us.


The highway wasn’t busy, so we got there in a little over an hour from home!


Today is a duo recital by these two musicians. Daishin Kashimoto is the concertmaster of the Berlin Philharmonic, and Yu Kosuge is a pianist living in Germany and active in Europe, a combination that is not often heard in Japan. We had a very good time.


This is the program of the day. After the end of the program, my wife said, “I think Daishin’s violin sound has changed.” I checked the Internet and found out that he was playing “Do Berio” by Guarneri del Gesu, which he had recently acquired, and this was the first time he had played this piece in Japan. It was great that she noticed that.


Here is a video of Daishin Kashimoto. This is a rare duo with Simon Rattle.


This is the Violin Concerto by Saint-Saens. Nice piece.

こちらが小菅 優       This is Yu Kosuge.



It was a late-night earthquake.
Right after I turned off the TV and got into bed, I thought, “Huh? Earthquake. The shaking gradually increased, and Konatsu seemed surprised to see what was going on.


I hurriedly turned on the TV and saw that another earthquake had hit the Tohoku region, this time measuring 6 on the Japanese seismic scale. I can only hope that the people in that area must have been scared and that the damage was minimal.


I was watching the JMA conference and found this data. They said that the tremor was transmitted to Kamakura, where I live, in 55 seconds after the earthquake warning was issued. The “0” in the center means that the earthquake had already shaken when the warning was issued. If it had been a huge earthquake, we wouldn’t have been able to escape.


This earthquake is said to have a magnitude of 7.4, but even so, the Tohoku Expressway broke ground and the Shinkansen bullet train derailed. This reminds us of how powerful the 2011 earthquake was, which measured 9.0 on the Richter scale.


On a different note, construction began this morning at a neighbor’s house, and the noise made Konatsu somewhat restless.


Looking down at the construction vehicles, Konatsu’s body jerks when she hears a loud noise (lol).


Meanwhile, the garden is gradually becoming more like spring.


I have 5 consecutive holidays starting today. I’m thinking of taking Konatsu somewhere, but the weather is doubtful…

20日間、ウクライナはロシアの占領者の行為に苦しんでいる。 疲労とあらゆるリスクにもかかわらず、飼育員は動物を助けるために最善を尽くし続けています。今日、チームUAnimalsは、いくつかのシェルターに彼らの動物たちを助ける資金的な援助を提供しました。今日Kyivのボランティアは、ペットのために食べ物を買う余裕のない住民に食料を配りました。
エキサイティングなニュースがあります。 封鎖されたゴストメルシェルターでのこと、今日78歳の施設主人が大活躍をし、シェルターに水を運んでくれる発電機を持ってきてくれました。 彼と一緒に、ガソリン70リットル、ドッグフード500kg、シェルタースタッフのためにフードを寄付しました。 これでシェルターの住民が生き残るのに役立つ。

More news from Ukraine today.
For 20 days, Ukraine has suffered from the actions of its Russian occupiers. Despite fatigue and all the risks, keepers continue to do their best to help the animals. Today, Team UAnimals provided financial assistance to several shelters to help their animals. Today Kyiv volunteers distributed food to residents who could not afford to buy food for their pets.
Some exciting news. At the blockaded Gostomel shelter, today the 78 year old facility owner did a great job and brought a generator that will bring water to the shelter. Together with him we donated 70 liters of gasoline, 500 kg of dog food, and food for the shelter staff. This will help the shelter residents survive.



Last night we had my wife’s friends over for dinner.


Food preparation begins around noon and is completed just before the guests’ arrival.


I was so engrossed in eating, drinking, and talking last night that I forgot to take a picture of Konatsu.


Overnight, today is as hot as early summer, passing through spring. It is currently 22 degrees Celsius.

こなつは元気です!     Konatsu is fine!


Well, the 18th day of war is over in Ukraine and things still seem to be difficult for pets.

そんな状況の中、避難所から70匹の猫がポーランドに移動できたなんて話も伝わってきています。facebookのUAnimal のページより

From UANimal’s Facebook page, we learn that 70 cats were able to move from the shelter to Poland.



I realized that I had not been to Kamakura Central Park in the past year or so, so I decided to go for a walk with Konatsu.


Follow the Shonan Monorail to Machiya, and from there climb up Mt. Kikyo to find Kamakura Central Park.


Main entrance. Parking here is by reservation only, so I called yesterday.


When we arrived at the parking lot, “Where am I?” It looks like she’s saying. Maybe because it was an unfamiliar place.


As the name “Central Park” suggests, it is located in the middle of Kamakura City.


There are not that many people, and Konatsu is walking briskly, wagging her tail.


Every once in a while I pass by and all I see are people walking their dogs. Today I saw about 10 dogs in one hour.


Walking through the entire park is quite a tough course up and down the mountain.


Well, the last one today is from Ukraine.



In the last few days, I’m more interested in the news from Ukraine than COVID-19.
But we have to be careful with COVID-19. Such being the case…


Today my wife went for her third round of vaccinations. The venue is Kamakura City Hall (building on the right)



My wife had a tough time with adverse reactions both the first and second time, but I’m not sure about this time. She has been home for 3 hours after the vaccination and so far seems to be fine.


Konatsu, 12 years and 3 days old, playing with a gift she received.


I like the towel with her name and initials on it.
Konatsu is living comfortably without any worries, but on the other hand, news of pets is coming from Ukraine, and I feel unbearable when I see articles about pets and not being able to evacuate because of them.


I borrowed the photo from UAnimals facebook.


Does anyone have contact information for Golgo 13? lol



I will start today with Konatsu’s composed face.


Konatsu, who turned 12 years old, also received a birthday present from a fellow doggie in the neighborhood.


Konatsu immediately started playing with the stuffed animals. She loves to hear them beep.


I won’t let this go! It’s like…


Konatsu noticed my wife cooking something in the kitchen and looked at her.


This was it. Chirashi- Sushi to celebrate Konatsu’s 12th birthday.


You make a cute face when you have food in front of you, lol.


First plate, finished. But there is more to come.


Next, a hamburger plate.

更に、バースデーケーキも! ちょっと食べ過ぎだけど、1年に1回くらいは良いよね。

Plus, birthday cake! A little too much food, but I’ll tolerate it once a year.


If possible, I would like Konatsu to be like this.



Today is Konatsu’s 12th birthday. Konatsu became a part of our family when she was a puppy of about 5 months old, but it seems like it was just a while ago. We must be getting older too.


This was about a month after Konatsu came to our house.

Recently, Konatsu’s legs and feet have started to deteriorate a little. For example, she hesitates when getting in and out of the car. For example, when getting in and out of the car, he hesitates and waits without moving as if she is waiting to be carried, or she steps off the stairs at home. Konatsu runs well at the dogpark, so I don’t think we need to worry about her, but we do need to watch her carefully.



We have the Doll Festival on March 3. It’s the day to pray for healthy growth and happiness for young girls. Most families with girls display dolls called Hina-ningyo. This is my daughter’s doll, but it’s also for Konatsu.


This one is from my wife’s childhood.



Back to normal mode of writing.
Due to the warm weather today, it felt like spring all at once, and the center of Kamakura was very crowded.


Not pictured here, but some of them are wearing short sleeves. Isn’t it a little early for that? I don’t know if it’s too early for that, but…


All the parking lots in the city center were full because of the influx of tourists today. One by one, cars wandered into the alleys looking for a parking space, but…


Even if you take the back roads, they are all full. So what did I do?


There is a parking lot that only the locals know about, lol.


While waiting for my wife to go shopping, Konatsu and I went for a walk in a quiet place with few people.


It looks like the rickshaws are very busy today.

There are many temples in this area if you walk around a bit. Hereupon is Hiruko Shrine.


We are walking along Komachi-oji.


The main gate of Myohonji Temple came into view.


This is a quiet and pleasant temple, and I heard that this temple is also closely related to Yoritomo and Saint Nichiren.
※Yoritomo,he established Kamakura shogunate and was the very first general of the Kamakura shogunate.


There is also a statue of Saint Nichiren in the precincts.


Kamakura is now a very popular tourist destination, and TV historical dramas are on the air. This is the flag that tells us that this temple is a place with a connection to that history.


It’s only the beginning of the crowds, but it will probably be great around the holidays in May.



Today is my wife’s day to go to the hair salon, so I dropped her off at Shichirigahama and decided to walk around Kamakura-Hiromachi Forest with Konatsu for about an hour and a half until she was done. I actually installed a pedometer app on my phone about a week ago, but I’m still up to about 8,000 steps/day. So, I decided to walk for exercise as well.


Kamakura Hiromachi Forest is the largest forest in the city, with a total area of 48 hectares.
(48 hectares is equivalent to 118 acres)

ではいつもの広場の駐車場に車を置いて、さあ出発! 後ろの森が広町緑地の東端だ。

So we left the car in the parking lot of the usual plaza, and off we went! The forest behind us is the eastern edge of the Hiromachi Forest.


As soon as we entered the forest from the entrance of the purification center, we went up a steep slope.


Does it smell like an animal? Konatsu is sniffing here and there like this.


After climbing up the hill, we came to this road, but it was still very up and down. The road was muddy from yesterday’s rain, so we had to be careful on the descents.


After walking for a while…


There was a transparent sheet attached to the tree with a number written on it. What is it?


Apparently, this is what happened. I later found out that oak wilt has been confirmed in Kanagawa Prefecture in the past few years, causing widespread damage to Quercus serrata and Shii oak trees. It is said that the fungus is brought inside the trees by a small insect called “kashinaga”. As a countermeasure, they are injecting medicine into the trees and wrapping sheets around them.


This is what happens to the trees that are damaged. I didn’t know that.


Back to the walk again. We entered through entrance ⑪ and are now at ⑬.


From here, we could see Sagami Bay and beyond that, the Miura Peninsula. After this, I plan to walk to the entrance of ⑭Shichirigahama, leave the forest, and walk the outer course back to the starting point.


This is the Shichirigahama exit. The distance from the entrance is about 2km.


As soon as we got out, it was a residential area.


From here, we went down the same road we always drive on.

その途中の「雨乞の池」 それは、鎌倉時代の干ばつに苦しんだ年に日蓮上人がここでお経を唱え、大雨が降ったという伝説の地。

On the way, there is a pond called “A pond begging for rain.”. There is a legend that during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), when the area was suffering from a drought, Saint Nichiren chanted a sutra here and it rained heavily.


Konatsu’s footsteps were light as she continued downhill.


At the end of the road, the descent ends.


Konatsu also looked tired.


At last, we could see the purification center where we started.


When I looked at my pedometer, I realized that I had walked a lot…..

がぁ~ん。。。。 たったの4800歩しか歩いてない

No way ! I only walked 4,800 steps.
But well, I went up and down the mountain path, so I got more exercise than my steps! I can’t help but feel satisfied with myself lol


On the way back, the ocean was beautiful.



I was expecting to be able to drive on snowy roads again since heavy snow was forecasted, but it started raining in the morning. and when I went to work, it started snowing around noon in Tokyo. The Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway had closed some of its routes in preparation for the heavy snow, and I didn’t want to get stuck in traffic if it snowed heavily, so I left work early and came home.

When I came home, it was just time for Konatsu’s evening walk. My wife was going to take her out today.


I was going to go with her to take a picture of Konatsu, but when I went outside to take a test shot, the snow didn’t show up at all, so I decided not to go.


Konatsu has a “why don’t you go with me” look on her face, though.


Can you see it’s snowing in this picture? But it doesn’t look like it’s going to be all white with snow… Having grown up in a warmer climate, I’m always happy when there’s snow on the ground.



These days, Konatsu eats this kind of food almost every day.



Four spoonfuls of dry food. This is not enough, so…


Beef for topping.


Pour some of the cooking water over it. compleated!


Konatsu would be finished in a flash.

これで終わりじゃないよね?まだありますよね? とママの方を見ているが、、、

This isn’t the end, is it? There’s more, isn’t there? And she was looking at my wife, and…

出てくるんだよねえ、これが。。。  大好物のお刺身!

It’s her favorite sashimi!


Konatsu would go back and forth between the two of us and finally be satisfied. For Konatsu, this may be like a dessert. I am careful not to take in too many calories so as not to make her fat.


She still looks like she doesn’t have enough, but we don’t give her any more. Konatsu seems to understand that this is the end, and doesn’t ask for more. She is a very perceptive dog.



Now, when I say vaccines, it sounds like the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine, but it’s not, and today I went to get Konatsu’s parvo vaccine.


At this point, Konatsu looks happy, but she hates hospitals.

そして無事終了! ついでに体重測定したら18.7kg。前回よりほんの僅かだが減っていて良かった。

And it’s finished safely! In addition, weigh Konatsu, she weighs 18.7 kg. It was only slightly less than last time. It’s a little reassuring.


Konatsu was rampaging when she got home.
Don’t you like being taken to the hospital? Don’t take it on your bed! (lol) 



This is the evening walk the day before yesterday


When Konatsu found someone over there and approached him …


It was Shingen, a Kai Ken. He is about 4 or 5 years old now. Kai Ken is a Japanese dog. It is said that he is faithful to his owner and does not bark in vain.


As I walked, the area became dim …


When I got home, it was beautiful right after sunset. And it was very cold this morning the day after that.


Konatsu, who returned from the morning walk, seems to feel comfortable on the blanket and does not move from here.

歳を取って寒さに弱くなってきたのだろうか。。。 それともここの居心地が良いだけのこと?

I wonder if Konatsu has become vulnerable to the cold as she gets older .. Or is it just a cozy place here?



I am on winter holidays from today. Even if it’s winter holidays, it’s the same as usual to get up early in the morning and go for a walk with Konatsu.


Just before sunrise


It’s cold this morning and the ground is frozen, but the dogs are full of energy.


I’m dying for the cold, so the walk ends early.


A few hours later, here is Odakyu OX on the Kugenuma coast. While my wife was shopping, I was killing time while taking a walk in the Prefectural Shonan Coastal Park with Konatsu.


It is Enoshima seen from the opposite side as usual.


Both right and left are full of surfers. I think there are many people on winter holidays from today.


Konatsu usually doesn’t like to go to the beach, but she looks fine today. It feels good to take a walk while listening to the sound of the sea.


This is a good park.



My wife cleaned up the house and decorated it for Christmas. Then I pulled out the paintings that had been closed and hung them on the wall, and it was completed.


It’s just the entrance, but it has a Christmas-like atmosphere.


Konatsu has climbed onto the shoe rack.


Have a nice Christmas !



It’s warm and comfortable today, so Konatsu goes out to the balcony and basking in the sun.


It feels so good , it’s a big yawn.


This is Kita-Kamakura. After sending my wife to the hospital, I was taking a walk with Konatsu, waiting for her to finish.

北鎌倉の駅前 In front of Kita-Kamakura station


Engakuji Temple on the side of the railroad track


There was such a cat next to the entrance, and Konatsu and the cat glared at each other. The Yokosuka Line passes there, and because of the amazing sound, this game draw (lol)


It seems that the Siberian cold air mass will move south from tomorrow and become cold. So, my car will change to studless tires tomorrow.



My daughter, who was on a trip, came to my house on her way home. Konatsu is happy to see her “sister” for the first time in three weeks.


Konatsu’s eyes says so.



Konatsu is appealing in various ways.


But my daughter only stays for one night, so the fun time for Konatsu is over soon …


“If you send her by car, I will go too!”, Konatsu is in a position to go down the stairs.


And keep her seat!


It takes about 30 minutes to drive to my daughter’s apartment.


Upon arriving, Konatsu was reluctant to say goodbye, “When will you come next time?”



It’s a evening time.


Trot to walk., vigorous!


Even after returning from the walk, Konatsu started playing with stuffed hotdog, probably because she had some energy left.


She is holding it in her mouth and swinging it around …


This appeals to me to pull the stuffed hotdog and play with it. If I play for a while, she will be satisfied with it.


It ’s unexpectedly easy to get tired. lol



Today is Saturday, and people who are off work come to my clinic, so I’m usually busy on Saturdays and Sundays, but for some reason I don’t have many reservations today. I knew that in advance, so I decided to take Konatsu with me.


It looks like you’re worried about “where I’ll be taken! ” but today, you’re going to be a therapy dog!


Passing in front of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu in the early morning, we are heading for the Yokohama – Yokosuka Expressway.


After that, drive along the Metropolitan Expressway Bayshore Line. It will arrive in a little over an hour on Saturday because the road is empty.

It’s arrival. The clinic is on the other side of the road, and the place where I am now is the counseling room.


If Konatsu can keep this condition and be friendly, she will be able to heal the patient, but she is still afraid of people, so it seems there is still a long way to go.


Nobody came today, so Konatsu was spending a lot of time like this. I may have been healed.