Here comes a dish that is not on the menu. Deep-fried thin sweet potato tempura, crispy on the outside and net on the inside. I don’t like sweet potatoes, but I thought it was delicious!
It is like this.
This is a seasonal platter. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the presentation.
It’s getting cooler, and Konatsu is finally trying to run or play with someone, and her movements are getting a little lighter. She still has more than nine years to reach her goal of 20 years old, so she still has to be fine.
Last week, my PC suddenly went sick and I couldn’t send or receive emails, or other errors were displayed. So I tried “System Restore” to get it back to a good state a few days ago, but it still doesn’t work. Finally, as a last resort, I decided to return the PC to the initial state, prepared for the need for various troublesome things.
There are many things to do before this, but I will omit the introduction here and start recovery. It’s a screen that you rarely see, so please watch the progress.
This screen will appear after a while. And wait about 15 minutes …
Reinstallation of windows starts. Did this take about 30 minutes while repeatedly restarting?
It’s annoying to wait around here.
This is also an unavoidable task. Forgetting your Microsoft account can be troublesome.
Recovery is finally complete. After this, the PC is dangerous unless anti-virus measures are taken first. This PC has McAfee preset, but I don’t like McAfee, so uninstall it and replace it with another one.
Konatsu pulled and walked toward this enclosure. What is it? When I thought about it, I found a stray cat inside. The cat ran away immediately, but Konatsu couldn’t give up and was trying to find it by smelling it.
After a while, the cat left and the glaring was over. It seems that Konatsu has been switched on, and when she returned to the main square, she rarely started playing with everyone.
I always live in the countryside of Kamakura, and my place of work is rather downtown Itabashi or Gunma, so I came to breathe the air of Yokohama while waiting for my wife.
It’s just before the sale of this town starts tomorrow, so it’s still quiet today.
On this day, I went to take care of my wife’s parents’ house, which is vacant. This is all for today as it is not enough to translate. The photo below is a fish shop on the way
Konatsu usually gets scared when she comes to such a place and doesn’t try to walk, but today she seems happy to be with Fuuta and doesn’t show any fear at all.
Passing in front of an English antique shop …
This is the cake shop les choux
In front of the shop, Fuuta seems to say, “I will eat any cake!”
Turn left at the end of les choux and enter the residential area, this is Platanus street. The number of small but fashionable stores is starting to increase.
Italian food fossetta. All food is really good!
Japanese sweets Chanoko.
Side dish shop, Piny
And Nishikamakura Animal Hospital, where Konatsu is always indebted
Konatsu looks like “I’m not going here, right?”
突然シッポが下がってしまった(笑) さあ、ここから駅の方に向かって戻ろう。
The tail suddenly went down. lol Now, let’s go back toward the station from here.
On the way, there is a new house under construction, and you can see an iron frame in the middle of the site. I was wondering what it was, but this is definitely the frame of a three-story elevator ! I wonder if a great house can be built.
Both of them walked a lot for their age, but they can still go.
Internal medicine clinic and Chinese tea shop
We finally came back to the station.
At this point, my home is just around the corner.
It was a long walk. Thank you, Futa!
Konatsu was regretfully waiting for Fuuta to return.
On the way back, the sea is full of surfers. A police car was coming to crack down on the ban, but it seems that there is not much effect because illegal parking appears one after another.
When the thunder went away and the sound became quiet, I tried to return Konatsu to the living room, but she entwined me and didn’t try to leave me. Speaking of cute, it’s cute, but that’s troublesome.
After two days of business trip, I went to Shichirigahama for a walk this morning. konatsu was looking at the situation, and it was noticeable that there were six border collies among them.
先ずはハウル君。 This is Howl.
This morning there were 6 border collies in all.
It’s amazing to see them well trained and running as directed by their owners.
Konatsu and Anne don’t care and don’t join their play.
I’ve been around Izu many times, and it’s like I’ve come to relax, so on the third day I’m in my room until the last minute, and after checking out I just go home.
When I was driving in Odawara city, the word “Usukin Anpan” caught my eyes. When I parked the car and went… ※ Uskawa Anpan means “Bread with thin skinned bean paste”
これは美味しそう! ここでお土産を買い足すことにした。
This looks delicious! I decided to buy more souvenirs here.
At the end of the trip, buy vegetables at roadside station Ashigara and have lunch.
<2nd day> I slept early last night, so I woke up early and could see the morning glow.
ハーヴェストの向かい側にこんな看板があるのを見つけたので、行ってみることにした。 From here to Kannon Shrine、、、 Decided to go.
山道をずっと上っていくので結構ハードな散歩だ。 It’s a pretty hard walk as we go up the mountain road all the way.
フウフウ言いながら到着したら、、思わず「りありぃ?」と言いたくなる。登り口に表示しておいて欲しいなあ。。。 When arriving while saying Whew, I suddenly want to say “Are you serious?” The following is written on the poster “To prevent the infection of Covid19, we refuse to visit.” I want you to display it at the entrance!
朝から疲れる散歩でした。こなつもあんちゃんもハァハァしている。 It was a tired walk even in the morning. Konatsu and Anzu were also panting.
そのあと、朝食のパンを買おうと思ってネットで探したら7:00から営業してる店があり、早速そこに向かった。 After that, when I was searching for something on the internet to buy breakfast bread, there was a store that was open from 7:00, so I headed there.
この日は部屋でのんびり過ごすことにした。 We decided to spend a relaxing day in the hotel room.
今回は Go to キャンペーンの対象外になってしまったのですが、その点はさておき熱海へ向かいました。
I’m going to travel to Atami from today. Of course with Konatsu.
I bought some desserts at Atami Fruit King.
This time we are staying at Tokyu Harvest Club Atami Izusan.
ここはロビーからの海の眺めがイイ。 It commands a fine view of the sea.
今回はあんずファミリーと一緒です。 This time we are with Anzu family.
ここは山の中腹にあるから散歩も登ったり下ったりばかりです。散歩が終わると夕飯の時間になった。今の時期はまだレストランで食べるのはコロナの心配もあるから、テイクアウトを予約しておいた。 It’s located on the hillside, so I often walk up and down. When the walk was over, it was dinner time. I’m still worried about getting Covid 19 to eat at the restaurant, so I’ve booked dinner box in advance.